Arbor Pediatrics provides high-quality, personalized medical care for infants, children, and adolescents in Southlake, TX.

Melissa Asgaonkar, MD

Welcome Collin Naugher

We are excited to welcome a new provider to the Arbor Pediatrics team! Collin Naugher is a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner who joins us from North Fort Worth, where he has been practicing pediatric primary care for the last eight years.

Meet Our Providers

Inspired by patients. Created for parents.

Arbor Pediatrics was founded on the belief that long-term relationships, continuity of care, and open, accessible communication with your pediatrician are essential elements to great pediatric care.


At Arbor Pediatrics, we share your joy and enthusiasm, and look forward to partnering with you on the exciting journey of raising a child. We offer prenatal phone consults, a supportive team, and first-rate medical care for your new family member.

Explore our library of expert advice from the AAP.

This collection of over 800 handouts from the American Academy of Pediatrics covers 200 topics ranging from Acne to Whooping Cough. Browse by topic or symptom, or use the search bar to find just what you need.

Take the pain out of pain reliever dosing.

Be confident that you are treating your child’s pain or fever with the correct dose of medication. We can guide you here on how much acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil) to give, based on your child’s weight. (Benadryl too!)

Check out our upcoming events.

Sorry, we have no events scheduled at this time.

We are a vaccinating practice.

We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives, and we have complete confidence in vaccine safety. We believe that all children and young adults should receive the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

News & Social Media

Let's talk about something eye-opening today: Strabismus! 

This condition, also known as crossed eyes, occurs when the eyes don't align properly, affecting your child's vision and depth perception. But fear not, we're here to shed some light on this topic! 

Here's what you need to know:
1️⃣ Early detection is key! Regular eye exams are crucial for catching strabismus early on. If you notice your child's eyes aren't aligned or they're squinting, it's time to schedule a visit with our office.
2️⃣ Treatment options abound! From eyeglasses to eye patches and even surgery in some cases, there are plenty of ways to help correct strabismus and improve your child's vision.
3️⃣ Support is essential! As parents, it's natural to feel concerned, but remember, you're not alone! Our team is here to provide support, guidance, and the best possible care for your child.
4️⃣ Stay positive and patient! Remember, treating strabismus is a journey, not a sprint. With time, patience, and a sprinkle of positivity, we can help your child see the world in a whole new light!

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

When a child does not outgrow the fears and worries that are typical in young children, and these fears start to affect their school, home, or playtime, they might have an anxiety disorder. 

Different types of anxiety disorders include:
- Being really scared when away from parents (separation anxiety)
- Having extreme fear of specific things like dogs, bugs, or going to the doctor (phobias)
- Feeling very anxious in places with lots of people, like school (social anxiety)
- Constantly worrying about the future and bad things happening (general anxiety)
- Having sudden, intense fear episodes with symptoms like a racing heart or trouble breathing (panic disorder)

Anxiety might show up as fear or worry, but it can also make children feel irritable or angry. They might have trouble sleeping and feel tired, get headaches, or have stomach aches. Some kids keep their worries to themselves, so it's easy to miss the signs.

If your child is feeling anxious, there are ways parents and caregivers can help:
- Start by talking to your child about their worries. Let them know you understand how they feel and reassure them.
- If your child is old enough, explain what anxiety is and how it affects our bodies. You could compare it to a wave that builds up and then goes away.
- Help your child find solutions to their worries and anxiety.

If your child’s anxiety persists or if it is interfering with your day-to-day life, it’s time to call our office. Our pediatric health experts will partner with you to make sure your child gets the care they need to feel better soon!

Tummy aches.

One of the most common concerns parents discuss with pediatricians. 

Sometimes it’s easy for parents to figure out the cause (too much candy?). But sometimes the source of the pain isn’t so easy to identify.

The providers at Arbor Pediatrics are experts in evaluating your child’s abdominal complaints and will help you develop a treatment plan tailored to your child. While most stomach aches are short-lived, we do recommend giving us a call if your child experiences any of these symptoms:
- Abdominal pain that lasts for more than a week or that worsens over time or becomes more frequent
- Abdominal pain accompanied by fever
- Poor appetite for more than two days or unexplained weight loss

You should seek immediate medical attention if your child:
- Has blood in the vomit or poop
- Is younger than 3 months and has vomiting or diarrhea
- Has sudden, sharp abdominal pain or has a rigid, hard belly
- Has had a recent injury to the abdomen
- Is having trouble breathing

Thankfully, most tummy aches in childhood will get better with a little TLC. Our pediatricians recommend parents start with the Five Rs:
~ Restroom - The most common cause of stomach aches in kids is constipation so it’s always a good idea to have your child sit on the toilet for a few minutes to try to have a bowel movement. 
~ Rest - If your child is overly tired, they can have a lower threshold for discomfort. Settle them in for some quiet time to help ease their belly pain.
~ Relax - Stress can often lead to stomach discomfort so teaching your child to practice deep breaths and counting to 10 can help manage stomach pain.
~ Rx - Talk to your pediatrician about whether a medication might be helpful for your child’s abdominal symptoms.
~ Return to normal activity - If you’ve had your child’s symptoms cleared by your pediatrician and they’re recommended supportive treatment, help your child reintegrate into their day-to-day activities with a positive outlook.

Dealing with tummy aches in your house? 

Give us a call to chat about a personalized treatment plan for your child.

Wondering what to look for to know if your child could have hearing loss? 

Here’s some advice from the pediatric health experts at Arbor Pediatrics:
- Babies who were born premature, had complications at birth, or spent time in the NICU should receive a hearing evaluation.
- Kids who have had recurrent ear infections or surgery on their ears should have their hearing monitored.
- If your child shows delays in their reflexes or development, this could indicate a decrease in their hearing and warrants evaluation by our office.
- If your child doesn’t seem to respond to their name, gets frustrated with background noises, or constantly wants the volume turned up, they may have a hearing deficit.

Our office is equipped to screen your child for abnormal hearing and we can advise and refer you if your child needs further evaluation. 

Give us a call to discuss your concerns today.

Parents and caregivers of teens often ask us how to support their kids in dealing with the pressures of a turbulent world. Families can have a tremendous impact on the way teens experience and deal with stress.

Here are 4 ways in which you can help your teens

1. Open a family conversation about stress and health
 - The first step in helping your teen cope and build resilience is to make mental health an open topic in your family. If kids know it's okay to say they're not okay, they will feel safe sharing what's happening in their lives.

2. Make self-care a family affair 
 -You can support your teen by agreeing on a healthy routine that all of you will follow, for example: healthy rest, nutritious meals you enjoy together, physical activity, and healthy media use.

3. Encourage your teen to build a self-care toolbox
 -Self-care can be virtually anything that calms and relaxes us. Support your teen's independence by encouraging them to seek out ways of unwinding that work well for them.

4. Reinforce healthy views that support teen and family well-being
 -Stress often comes from sources outside us, but our own beliefs and attitudes can feed our anxieties too, you can help your teen by offering healthy, empowering perspectives, for example, there is no perfect, grind culture isn't healthy or realistic, therapy is for everyone, we're in this together.

For more information visit:

Dr. Asgaonkar will be out of the office on May 2nd and 3rd, we will have a covering provider on May 3rd only. The office will still be open on May 2nd and Dr. Asgaonkar will be available through Spruce.

“The absolute best office you’ll find in North Texas!”

Arbor Pediatrics is the absolute best office you’ll find in North Texas! This is no exaggeration. First off, their staff is so prompt and efficient. They make every attempt to get you in same day if you need it and greet you with such a smile! They make paperwork easy and the check in process happens as you walk in the door, they’ve got it handled.

S. R.

“Couldn’t have asked for a better doctor.”

Dr. Asgaonkar is absolutely amazing. She is very caring, knowledgeable, and respectful. She really listens to you and happily answers any questions you may have. My husband and I are so happy we found her for our baby. Couldn’t have asked for a better doctor. Also, the office is SO CLEAN.

B. G.